Meeting Minutes
Cape Cod Woodturners Monthly Minutes
September 4, 2024
Attendees: 29 members/visitors present and 20 members on Zoom.
President’s welcome/demonstration: Don Chase welcomed members and visitors to the hybrid meeting with Rudy Lopez from FL as our guest demonstrator. Dave Arnone introduced Rudy and encouraged members to check his website and handout for this demo--square-to-round-handout-6-pg_std-res.pdf (
Safety Tip: Tom Gerhard reminded the club about the AAW publication "Safety for Woodturners", and highlighted two of the points in the article "Twenty Ways Not To Turn A Bowl" starting on page 16.
#7 -- don't be in a hurry to stop the lathe, especially with large pieces
#8 -- don't stand in the wrong place
Tom also encouraged everyone to check out the CCW Facebook page plus:
The Virtual Coffee Hour will be held on September 25, 2024, at 9:00 AM. Jeff Corwin will lead a discussion on woodturning programs and class that members have attended in addition to Show and Tell featuring your turnings.
The November Coffee Hour will be ornaments.
Note from the President on the Veterans Pen Challenge
Just a reminder to all that wish to submit pens for the Veterans Pen Challenge. Bring as many as you like to the November club meeting. This should give you plenty of time to make one or many. They can be of any type of pen, whether one tube or two, wood or plastic, it's up to you. Have fun! Thanks! Of note, if you want to turn a pen, contact Dave to borrow a pen mandrel. He has pen blanks and kits to give away too.
Wood Raffle, Club Supplies: Thank you Ed Putnam for running the supply sales on the “back table” with proceeds benefiting club activities. Tonight featured a $30 Carter and Sons gift certificate and 2 Stuart Batty angle gauges.
Programs: Dave Arnone provided the following information:
Open Studio on Friday mornings from 10:30 – 12:30 AM will be limited this month to only 9/6. October may also be limited due to multiple activities going on. Contact Dave to reserve a lathe, a tool and/or a blank. Mentoring individually or in small groups will continue to be available.
The September Mid-Month Activity will be “A Walk in the Woods” with Vic Mastro. Vic mentioned that it will be at Meetinghouse Farm on Route 149 in W. Barnstable—ticks, poison ivy, and mosquitos will be present so be prepared. It is on wood ID, stressing what different species of wood can be used for in turning, based on the characteristics of the wood.
On October 2, 2024, our demonstration will be Richard Wright doing a bird feeder ornament. For the Show and Tell, bring ornaments and small easy-to-turn gifts. Get ready for Alan Stratton’s As Wood Turns, annual ornament challenge, which our club has won a free demonstration the last four years. Sandy Arnone mentioned that more information is coming out soon-- Last year there were 400+ ornaments, many with multiple mediums. The number of participants is counted for the challenge contest.
Steve Abbott will be presenting the slate of officers at the October meeting with a vote by the membership at the November meeting.
The next Turn and Learn program will start 9/10 and run through January. There will be
five sessions held monthly on Tuesdays mornings with sharpening added as a segment. There is one space available. -
The October mid-month gathering will be on ornaments with turners meeting in various shops. Marc Sitkin will be doing spatulas, Don Chase doing pens, Sandy Arnone doing scoops, Tom Pendleton doing seam rippers, and Mike Grady doing tree ornaments.
There are multiple classes coming up at the Cultural Center including Ellen Adamson will teach two woodburning classes, 9/17 for a laminated plate, an October bowl class, and stained glass.
The November demo will be a 2-part one with Joe Gusmano doing a hollow form.
Our holiday party will be the second Wednesday in January with a dinner at the Cultural Center—Dave is looking for organizers.
The December exhibit at the Cultural Center will be 2 weeks in December. Dave is looking for volunteers.
CCW WIT: Robin McIntyre announced the following:
Our next meeting will be September 21, Saturday, 8:30 to 12. RSVP to Robin at Everyone is welcome.
The wig stand initiative is now at 1,088 wig stands delivered around the country ob=ver the last 18 months.
We will be doing our next delivery likely this month to our partner at the Tech in Harwich.
Annual CCW Picnic: Don reminded members about our annual picnic on Sunday,
September 15, 2024, at Bass River. The club will provide burgers, hot dogs and we ask that you bring a dish to share with 8-10 members. Clarke says that there are a few places left. Contact him to sign up (bring family members too) and let him know too if you have a food preference, such as veggie burger. Come to enjoy good food and camaraderie.
Technical Support: A big thank you, Dave Arnone, Tom Gerhard, Tom Pendleton and
Mike Grady for your technical expertise and support in making a hybrid meeting possible. A big thank you, Sandy Arnone, for photographing the Show and Tell pieces at tonight’s meeting.
Robin McIntyre
Substitute Secretary, Cape Cod Woodturners